Shaul Mukamel, University of California, Irvine, Award No. 1361516
Spectroscopic Observation of Ultrafast Light Induced Processes in Molecules – Chasing Schrödinger’s Cat
S. Mukamel, NSF Grant “Molecular Radiative and Relaxation
Processes”, CHE-1361516.
M. Kowalewski, K. Bennett, K. E. Dorfman, and S. Mukamel,
“Catching Conical Intersection in the Act: Monitoring Transient
Electronic Coherences by Attosecond Stimulated X-Ray Raman
Signals”, Phys. Rev. Let.,
, 19003 (2015).
The conical intersection deactivation pathways are fast and have so
far eluded their direct observation in experiment. Understanding
and detecting these processes has long been a challenge for
scientists. Professor Mukamel and colleagues have designed a
spectroscopic technique that makes use of a quaint consequence
of quantum mechanics. During the passage through the conical
intersection, the molecule can simultaneously exist in both
ground and excited state for a short time. This is known as a
coherent superposition or a "Schrödinger cat" state. The
proposed technique employs novel state-of-the-art X-ray light-
free electron lasers (XFEL) sources that provide ultra-short pulses
with high-photon energies. A stimulated Raman process creates
a signal that is solely generated by the coherent superposition
and thus catches these conical intersections in the act. The
technique provides an unambiguously clear experimental
signature of the underlying dynamics of the nuclei and electrons
in great detail and specicity. The method further reveals new
ways for controlling and manipulating these important events.
This work is likely to inspire novel experiments made possible by
newly created X-ray laser light sources.
The interaction of light with molecules is of fundamental interest in
everyday life and is essential for many chemical and biological
processes. When a molecule is excited by light, an electron is lifted into
an excited orbit and its way back into the ground state can happen in
dierent paths. It can simply fall back into the ground state and emit
light of the same or a slightly dierent color. This is used in energy
saving light bulbs or neon color dyes, for example. Other pathways are
more complex. The excited electron causes the molecule to strongly
vibrate, and it gets back to the ground state or to other states without
the emission of a photon. Instead, it passes through a funnel known as
conical intersection. This passage plays a crucial role in determining
the outcomes and timescales of virtually all elementary photochemical
and photophysical events. One example is the interaction of our
genome under sunlight which can lead to skin cancer and other
mutations. The DNA damage and repair mechanisms involve conical
Illustration of the ultrafast spectroscopy method. As the molecule (upper
panel) is excited by an ultraviolet laser pulse, its nuclei start to move.
Once it is funneled through the conical intersection (lower panel), it can
exist simultaneously in both the ground and excited states. This
Schrödinger cat state is probed with another laser pulse, giving o a
distinct signal which can reveal the energy distance between both cats
and their relative phase. This is the rst method that can directly probe
the passage through conical intersections.