Graduate Summer School:
Analytical Approaches to Rate Processes and Time-Resolved Spectroscopy in Condensed Phases

June 18 - June 30, 2000
Roger Williams University
Bristol, Rhode Island

Organized by
Shaul Mukamel and Rudolph A. Marcus

With recent advances in computational techniques, many graduate students in theoretical chemical physics receive a good numerical training. However, connecting numerical modeling with experiment and the interpretation of numerical results requires developing models and solving them using old fashioned physically-motivated approximations and using analytical techniques such as complex variables, Green's functions, path integral, semiclassical expansions, etc. It appears that these vital skills are now de-emphasized in many graduate programs and many students are unable to use these powerful methods and concepts, which historically form the basis for many important advances in chemical physics. In many schools the graduate course-work requirements have been considerably reduced over the past decade. Students are typically encouraged to select advisors and start their research within three months of entering the graduate programs. A lack of an adequate mathematical and physics training for theorists as well as experimentalists is now a major problem. Some students' idea of theory are that one focuses on running programs which they or others have written, rather than on the formulation of ideas which lead to programs and to an insightful interpretation of the numerical and experimental results. Many colleagues whom we surveyed share this view. Summer schools (such as NATO's) are very common in Europe. Participants are exposed to a series of mini courses and get to interact with fellow students. Such opportunities rarely exist in the United States.

The purpose of this summer school, is to provide a basic survey of current theoretical techniques for chemistry graduate students, post doctoral fellows and advanced senior undergraduate students. The lectures will emphasize and illustrate specific analytical techniques as well as. Physically-motivated approximations and the connection with current experiments. Lecturers will discuss what aspects have made their work so insightful and influential. What part may be transferable to other quite different problems and so speak to a large body of students in various fields of theory.

Schedule: 11 days, three to four lectures per day morning and evening, with afternoons left for discussions and work in small groups. Lecturers should be in residence for at least a full week to allow plenty of time for discussions.

  • The participation of women and minorities as lecturers and students is strongly encouraged.
  • Interested students should apply right away online. Click the apply button at the bottom of this page.
  • Depending on funding some fellowships will be available to qualified students.
  • Participants who would like to present a poster are encouraged to do so.


Sunday Evening Lecture, June 18, 7:00 - 8:30
  • M. Shlesinger - Office of Naval Research
    "Pitfalls and Paradoxes in Probability Theory"
First Lecture Series
June 19
June 20
June 21
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
S. Mukamel Y. Klafter S. Mukamel
R. Marcus S. Klippenstein R. Marcus
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
G. Voth S. Mukamel Y. Klafter
Y. Klafter G. Voth S. Klippenstein

Sunday, June 18 - Wednesday, June 21

  • S. Mukamel - Univ. of Rochester
    "Nonlinear Spectroscopy"
  • R. Marcus - California Inststitute of Technology
    "Approximations and Analytic Methods in Rate Processes"
  • G. Voth - University of Utah
    "The Path Integral Centroid Approach to Quantum Activated Rate Processes"
  • Y. Klafter - Tel Aviv University
    "Random Walks: From Brownian Motion to Anomalous Diffusion"
  • Stephen J. Klippenstein - Case-Western Reserve University
    "Dividing Surfaces and Phase Space Integrals in Transition State Theory"

Second Lecture Series
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
R. Marcus A. Stuchebrukhov C. Martens W. Miller
W. Miller C. Martens P. Wolynes P. Wolynes
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Discussion W. Miller A. Stuchebrukhov R. Loring
David Micha R. Loring Short Presentations R. Silbey

Thursday, June 22 - Sunday, June 25

  • David Micha -
    "Quantum Dynamics in an Active Medium: the Example of Femtosecond Desorption"
  • W. Miller - University of California-Berkeley
    "Semiclassical Theory, Chemical Reaction Rates, TST, etc."
  • V. Stuchebrukhov - University of California-Davis
    "Analytical Methods in Vibrational Dynamics and Electron Transfer Theory"
  • C. Martens - University of California-Irvine
    "Semiclassical Dynamics in Phase Space"
  • R. Loring - Cornell University
    "Molecular Motions in Dense Polymer Liquids"
  • P. Wolynes - University of Illinois-Urbana
    "Gedankentheories for Rate Processes in Complex Systems"
  • R. Silbey - MIT
    Exciton, Polarons, Electron-phonon Interactions, and Optical Properties in Solids

Third Lecture Series
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
D. Chandler S. Rice N. Makri M. Ratner
S. Rice D. Chandler D. Chandler R. Silbey
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
M. Ratner n. Makri M. Ratner R. Coalson
P. Wolynes R. Silbey R. Coalson Short Presentations

Monday, June 26 - Thursday, June 29

  • D. Chandler - University of California-Berkeley
    "Liquid Structure, Dynamics and Solvation"
  • S. A. Rice - University of Chicago
    "Chemical Dynamics"
  • M. Ratner - Northwestern University
    "Second-Quantization and Electronic Structure and Applications to Molecule/Metal Interfaces"
  • N. Makri - University of Illinois
    "The Path Integral Approach to Quantum Dynamics: Theory and Methodology"
  • R. Coalson - University of Pittsburgh
    "Control of Electron and Optical Transport through Molecules and Materials"

Sponsored by:

  • Office of Naval Research
  • National Science Foundation

Copyright © 2000 Gordon Research Conferences
Last Updated: 4/27/00 by Paul